+ ---------------- +
+ Partners +
+ ---------------- +
- webgames.io
- gametop.com
- crazygames.com
- play-games.com
+ ----------------- +
+ Credits +
+ ----------------- +
The original developer is GoalieSave25 ( Mathew )
Currently developed by Alez and LapaMauve
Most art done by TheGiantSlug ( Joel Owen )
With art help from Rippy, TNTSquid, Red Alpha, Alez, and Nathan
And many thanks to the Build Royale community for their suggestions and contributions
Stay tuned for new planned features
or share your own on our discord!
To join, click the discord icon
on the home page or go to:
+ ------------------------------------------- +
+ Build Royale - Game Version History +
+ ------------------------------------------- +
1.9.4 - ( 15/12/2024 ) ( Dec 15th, 2024 ):
- Buffed Minigun
- Base Damage 9 => 10
- Bullet Velocity 2200 => 2400
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue related to inputting letters related to keybinds.
- Fixed an issue where presents and the amber would spawn multiple weapons.
- Fixed an issue relating to new throwables and giant snowball not tracking damage or kills.
- Fixed an issue where vaulted weapons were used in missions.
- Fixed an issue where the spectator ui could be visible for normal players.
1.9.3 - ( 14/12/2024 ) ( Dec 14th, 2024 ):
New Season for the Battle Pass: Music!
- More skins are available in the chests
- A new battle pass with new cosmetics
Winter Theme returns!
- You can get plenty of winter lood from snowy trees!
- New Giant Snowball you can push around, damages enemies but it hurts you as well.
- New Icicle throwable, quick and hardhitting, make sure to charge it up!
- New Candycane healing item, provides 20 health or shield over time, quick to consume.
Snowballs ported to throwables.
Throwable throwing angle adjusted to hopefully be more accurate.
Tweaked various flags related to performing actions
- This includes but is not limited to
- Reloading
- Healing
- Opening Air Drops
- Reviving
- Cooking Grenades
- The results of these actions should be more consistent and less likely to randomly cancel eachother
- Due to the changes other issues might have been introduced
Changed how the storm operates
- The zone now has "wandering" phases
- The zone will wander in a random direction with a random offset
- This change aims to make endzone more engaging
- The final circle will now always close towards it's center
Reloading page now gives a warning if done during game.
Added Minigun
- Starts with a slow rate of fire but increases over time (peaks at 25 bullets)
- Rate of fire slows down if not used
- Replaces LMG in airdrops
Removed LMG from airdrops, can be obtained from chests now.
Unvaulted Musket
Vaulted Grenade Launcher
Vaulted Grenade Pistol
Vaulted Landmine
Vaulted Flashbang
Vaulted Burst Shotgun
Vaulted Deagle
Buffed Cluster Grenades
- Decreased cook time 3s => 2s
- Decreased lifespan to match new cooking time
- Increased underhand velocity 1400 => 1200
- Increased velocity from cooking 1000 => 1200
- Decreased time for clusters to explode 30 => 25
Buffed Grenades
- Decreased cook time 3s => 2s
- Decreased lifespan to match new cooking time
- Increased overhand velocity 2000 => 2300
- Increased velocity from cooking 900 => 1200
Buffed Gravity Nade (Pull)
- Increased range 320 => 360
Buffed Grappler
- Increased velocity of pulling players 4000 => 4500
- Pulled players slide for 4 ticks
- Reworked physics while sliding
- This should allow the grappler to gain more speed within a shorter time
Buffed Rifle
- Increased base damage 44 => 46
- Increased damage per rarity 6 => 7
Nerfed Crossbow
- Decreased crossbow pierces 2 => 1
- Increased pierce damage reduction 15 => 60
- Damage 80 => 75
Nerfed LMG
- Base damage 11 => 9
Nerfed SMG
- Base damage 16 => 15
Nerfed SPAS12
- Damage per rarirty 1.5 => 1
- Increased spread
- Lowered bullet lifespan 6 => 5
1.9.2 - ( 23/04/2024 ) ( Apr 23rd, 2024 ):
Balance Changes:
- Tweaked Gravity Grenade and Inverse Gravity Grenade
- Decreased the gravity strength 7500 => 5500
- Hits now cause 3 sliding ticks
- This should increase the consistency of the pull and push
- Decreased crossbow recoil recovery amount 0.15 => 0.1
- Increased crossbow reload time 1.5s => 2.5s
- Crossbow now loses 15 damage per pierce
- 0 pierces = 80 damage
- 1 pierces = 65 damage
- 2 pierces = 50 damage
- Car hitboxes no longer linger past the explosion
- Fixed chests and airdrops dropping glitched mats
- Fixed landmines appearing differently when loaded in
- Loot not taking priority over vehicles
- Moving near airdrops / crates would stop healing
1.9.1 - ( 15/04/2024 ) ( Apr 15th, 2024 ):
- Fixed Flare causing next weapon to shoot
General Changes:
- Grenade explosions now explode landmines
Balance Changes:
- Ballista
- Lowered structure health 1000 => 500
- Lowered damage 120 => 60
- Lowered lifespan 200 => 20
- Lowered bounces 5 => 4
- Crossbow
- Lowered damage 100 => 80
- Lowered magazine 5 => 3
- Lowered pierces 3 => 2
- Grappler
- Increased sliding ticks 6 => 8
- Player pull velocity 3000 => 4000
- Gravity Grenade and Inverse Gravity Grenade
- Increased radius 280 => 320
- Increased force 3000 => 4000
1.9.0 - ( 13/04/2024 ) ( Apr 13th, 2024 ):
New Season for the Battle Pass: Medieval Era!
- More skins are available in the chests
- A new battle pass with new cosmetics
- Ballista Turrets
- Ballistas don't have an ammo count
- Ballistas are immovable
- Ballistas slowly pan over to your cursor
- Ballistas act as other vehicles, protecting the player
- Ballistas shoot special ballista bolts
- The ballista bolts can bounce up to 5 times
- They can also pierce up to 2 objects (excluding house walls)
- Landmine
- New throwable
- Obtainable from grenade crates
- Has a very long lifespan
- Explodes on contact with players (including you and your teammates)
- Can be thrown far away
- Can explode other landmines, creating chain reactions
- Takes some time to prime, can only explode after it's been primed
- Can be narrowly escaped if you throw it on top of you
- Inverse Gravity Grenade
- New throwable utility
- Obtainable from grenade crates or chests
- Pushes enemies away from where it exploded
- Small radius
- The speed applied is based on the distance from the center
- Gravity Grenade
- New throwable utility
- Obtainable from grenade crates or chests
- Pulls enemies towards where it exploded
- Small radius
- The speed applied is based on the distance from the center
- Flashbang
- Say goodbye to your retinas
- New throwable utility
- Obtainable from grenade crates or chests
- Flashes enemies in a huge range around it when exploding
- The explosion requires line of sight in order to flash you
- Being flashed blocks your screen for a while and makes your weapon very innacurate
- Crossbow
- New unique weapon (obtained from airdrops)
- Shoots special crossbow arrows
- The arrows can bounce up to 2 times
- They can also pierce up to 3 objects (excluding house walls)
- Grappler
- New piece of utility
- Has 20 shots before becoming obsolete
- Shoots plungers which pull you towards hit objects
- Hitting a player will instead slightly lunge them towards you
- Certain pickups disappear when left with no ammo
- Signal flares with 0 ammo will disappear after they are used
- Grapplers with 0 ammo will disappear after the grapple is released
- Creepy just got a whole lot bigger
- Creepy Castle is now surrounded by a set of breakable brick walls
- Creepy Castle now has it's own drawbridge to the left of the entrance
- Inside the new walls there are 3 Ballistas which are new static vehicles
- Chests now provide utility
- Replacing the old system where smokes and flares were dropped
- Chests now always drop a random piece of "utility"
- The utility pool includes:
- Flashbang
- Inverse Gravity Grenade
- Gravity Grenade
- Smoke Grenade
- Flare
- Grappler
- Smoke Grenades block flashes
- Being inside a smoke can prevent you from being flashed
- This only happens if the flash is outside the smoke
- If the flashbang is thrown inside the smoke, it will not flash outside
- Fixed weird grenade explosion behavior
- Campfire particles acting strange with multiple players
1.8.3 - ( 10/03/2024 ) ( Mar 10th, 2024 ):
- Scrap Cars
- Some cars from the lobbies persist into the game
- The cars become undriveable during the game
- Hitting the car gives the player metal
- Pickaxe Rarities
- Pickaxes now display their rarity from the locker in your inventory
- Ammo crates
- Can be found in buildings
- Can be found outside of buildings scattered around
- Interacting / opening them gives the player a random ammo type
- The amount of ammo given is dependant on the type
- Grenade crates
- Can be found in buildings
- Can be found outside of buildings scattered around
- Interacting / opening them gives the player a random grenade type
- Opening building now always defaults to walls (can no longer open to campfire)
- Campfire has been buffed
- 50 Wood
- Heals 4 health per tick
- If health is full heals 1 shield per tick
- Rebalanced rarities
- Common 9 => 6
- Uncommon 7 => 7
- Rare 5 => 7
- Epic 3 => 4
- Legendary 1 => 1
- Vaulted some guns to clean up the weapon pool
- Vaulted UMP
- Vaulted MGL
- Vaulted Tommy Gun
- Vaulted Musket
- Grenades can no longer be obtained from chests
- Tweaked Grenade stats
- Cook Time 4 => 3
- Underhand velocity 1000 => 1100
- Overhand velocity 1800 => 2000
- Cook velocity 800 => 900
- Tweaked Cluster Grenade stats
- Cook Time 4 => 3
- Underhand velocity 1200 => 1400
- Overhand velocity 1900 => 2100
- Cook velocity 900 => 1000
- Revamped sawed-off
- Bullets per shot 14 => 8
- Bullet lifespan 5 => 4
- Base damage 8 => 7
- Damage increase per rarity 1 => 2
- Bullet velocity 1400 => 2800
- Shot cooldown 4 => 6
- Ammo dropped 10 => 12
- Bullet spread 0.08 => 0.04
- Reload time 2s => 1.8s
- Now shoots both shots in a burst
1.8.2 - ( 27/02/2024 ) ( Feb 27rd, 2024 ):
- Added Cluster Grenade
- Added Hot Potato LTM
- Shift Building option:
- This option was added to mix in the old and new building keybinds
- Pressing any hotbar keybinds without holding shift will disable building and switch to the chosen weapon
- Pressing any hotbar keybinds and holding shift will enable building and swich to the chosen build
- This option nullifies the building keybinds
List of changes in Hot Potato LTM:
No heals
No flare guns
Airdrops only drop metal
Pickaxe hit distance increased
Meteorite only drops mats and high rarity grenades
Chests only drop high rarity grenades
Ground only spawns high rarity grenades
Grenades and Cluster Grenades have faster usage, higher stack size and high spawn counts
High Rarity Grenades:
- Faster in every way
- Bigger pickaxing hitbox
- 200 damage
High Rarity Cluster Grenades:
- Same as grenades
- Spawns double the mini grenades, with a bigger area
When broken meteorite spawns a Mythic version of the Cluster Grenade
- 40 mini grenades
- Even faster speeds
- Big pickaxe radius
- Fixed gun reloading opening airdrops
1.8.1 - ( 18/02/2024 ) ( Feb 18th, 2024 ):
- Grenade allowing for instant healing?
- Added camo support for SPAS12 and Sawed-Off
Balance Changes:
- SPAS12 has been nerfed
- Base damage 12 -> 8
- Damage per rarity 2 -> 1.5
1.8.0 - ( 17/02/2024 ) ( Feb 17th, 2024 ):
New Season for the Battle Pass: Winter!
- More skins are available in the chests
- A new battle pass with new cosmetics
Oh boy this one's a doozy!
Reinvented the building system
How it works:
- Builds are now separated in categories
- Currently there are only 2 categories
- Each category can be selected with the new Building Slot keybinds
- With a category selected, you can cycle through builds with right click
- This should work like the old system
- When selecting a category, the first build is always selected
But why?
- To allow for more flexibility with builds
- For a more organized selection from the player
- And a more streamlined development process
- The old building system was simple and functional but not easily expandable
- But also to not have the player cycle though tons of builds
We're always looking for feedback and issues
- If you'd like to do either join our discord server!
New buildable items!
Tired of low health of walls and people jumping over?
Introducing the Fortified Wall!
- Boasting 150 HP and blocking flying projectiles and jumping players
- Costs 10 brick and 10 metal to build
Low health with no bandages?
Introducing the Campfire!
- Heals any player in a small (sometimes visible) radius around it
- Costs 20 wood to build
Introducing throwing- specifically grenades!
Throwables can be cooked/charged by holding left click
There are various interactions with them:
- Charging them can increase their speed and lower the timer
- If the timer runs out the throwable might be discarded
- Releasing left click will perform an "underhand throw" which throws the throwable at a reasonable distance
- Right clicking at any point will perform an "overhand throw" which has a much higher velocity
- Switching from the throwable while its being charged causes it to be discard, falling on the ground
New throwable items!
- Can be charged up to 4s to increase their distance and lower the timer when released
- Holding it past will cause the grenade to explode on the spot
- When exploding the grenade will deal 80 damage in a 3 tile radius
Smoke Grenades!
- After being thrown they produce giant smoke that blocks vision
- Charging it fully causes smoke to produce right after the nade is thrown
Did someone ask for more shotguns?
Introducing the SPAS12!
- Long range shotgun with 4 shells and high damage
- Boasts a fast bullet speed paired with decent damage
Misc Changes:
- Airdrops fall twice as slow as before
- Meteor and Airdrop pings last x2 longer
Balance Changes:
- Revolver has been nerfed
- Less damage overall
- Slower shooting
- Slower reloading
- Sawed-off has been buffed
- Bullet damage 7 -> 8
- Slightly increased range
1.7.8 - ( 10/22/2023 ) ( Oct 22nd, 2023 ):
Balance changes:
Nerfed Vector range
Flex Potions do not heal inside storm
Nerfed Signal Flare spawn rate
Buffed Sawed-Off range
Buffed Tommy Gun damage
1.7.7 - ( 10/19/2023 ) ( Oct 19th, 2023 ):
New Season for the Battle Pass: Halloween!
- More skins are available in the chests
- A new battle pass with new cosmetics
Balance Changes:
- Vector has been buffed
- Longer range
- More accurate
- Bigger mag
NPCs are gone!
Unfortunately the old NPCs that had Unique weapons have gone missing,
perhaps they were scared off.
But fear not! You can now obtain Uniques by new means!
More weapons, more health!
Introducing airdrops!
- 2 Airdrops spawn per match
- Airdrop contain various resources
- A unique weapon
- 50 Metal
- 2 Green heals
- 2 Flex Pots
- To open the airdrop, get close to it and interact with it
then stay near it until it opens
Want more airdrops?
Introducing signal flares!
- Randomly dropped by chests
- Allow you to spawn an extra airdrop!
Close range? no problem!
Introducing the Sawed-Off shotgun!
- 2 Powerful 14-bullet wide rounds
- Small range, high damage
Medkit who?
Introducing the flex potion!
- Heals 50 health/shield over time
- Can stack with other flex potions
New building system?
This update will also use a tweaked implementation of building.
- The previous system only allowed for walls of a certain material to be created.
- The new system allows for new objects with different material requirements.
The current system is only in place for debugging and feedback.
- Feel free to suggest changes / ideas in our discord server.
1.7.6 - ( 09/04/2023 ) ( Sep 4th, 2023 ):
New Season for the Battle Pass: Space!
- More skins are available in the chests
- A new battle pass with new cosmetics
Various Map Changes:
Gorgeous Gardens and Fearsome Forest have been moved.
- The road was adjusted accordingly.
Gawky Gym's house has been removed.
- The parking lot has replaced it.
- The road was adjusted accordingly.
- Shacks have been added to make up for the removal of the house.
The Soccer/Football field has been moved downwards.
Jinxed Jungle has more jungle trees now.
Multiple shacks have been added across the map.
- Mostly in awkward spawning spots for more chests.
Say goodbye to Mythic Weapons!
Mythic weapons have been replaced by "Unique" weapons.
You will be able to obtain the mythic rarity of normal weapons by other means.
The Unique rarity will only be available for one-of-a-kind special weapons.
New Event: Meteorite landing!
After the first zone, a meteorite will crash around the center of the map.
The meteorite itself boasts a huge 1000 health, with a reward if it reaches 0.
- The meteorite is full of resources.
- The meteorites health slowly recharges over time.
- Hitting the meteorite with the pickaxe can net you various items such as:
- Ammo and Mats
- Healing Items
- High Rarity Weapons
- The meteorite provides 5 metal and 5 brick when hit, provided it has more than 20 health.
Be careful to not get caught under it or you'll be crushed before you know it.
New Weapons: Revolver and Charge Rifle!
The Revolver:
- Can be obtained from chests.
- Gains damage for each bullet fired.
- The less ammo you have in your magazine, the more damage you do.
- The damage is reset when reloading.
The Charge Rifle:
- Can be obtained from the Meteorite.
- Can be charged by ADSing (scoping in) for more damage and bullet speed.
- The weapon stays charged even when switching from it.
- The 7th and 8th charge make the bullet explosive!
- The 8th charge greatly increases damage and bullet speed.
New POI: Ordinary Observatory!
- A small POI at the bottom left of the map.
- Contains 2 chests and a metal telescope.
1.7.5 - ( 08/04/2023 ) ( Aug 4th, 2023 ):
LTM Rotation: Syphon!
Get health and shield for eliminations.
Balance Changes
Quickswitching Muskets and Rifles is once again possible.
Unvaulted Scoped AR
Increased Grenade Weapons reload time
- Grenade Pistol increased by 1s
- MGL and Grenade Launcher increased by 0.5s
Buffed Burst Shotgun Damage
Nerfed Rifle and Musket Damage (to make up for quickswitching)
Nerfed wall health
Introducing Team Pings!
Request bandages, medkits, minis, pots and everything in between!
- Request ammo while holding a gun
- Request mats while building
- Health and shield requests change based on their values
- Use the waypoints to signal a gift, danger or a place to move to
- Visible only to you and your team
1.7.4 - ( 06/29/2023 ) ( June 29th, 2023 ):
New Season for the Battle Pass: Maritime Mysteries!
- More skins are available in the chests
- A new battle pass with new cosmetics
1.7.3 - ( 05/15/2023 ) ( May 15th, 2023 ):
New Season for the Battle Pass: Wild West Showdown!
- Added the rarity of the chests in the Shop box
- Each duplication now gives you 5 Golden Ammos
1.7.2 - ( 03/29/2023 ) ( March 28th, 2023 ):
New LTM: Droid Domination
- You need cooperate as a human against droids that are trying to take over the world.
- Their number is indicated in red and you must reduce their number to 0! In other words you have to kill all the droids to win!
- Be careful though, the droids are dangerous artificial intelligence that won't hesitate to use all the weapons of the game to destroy humanity.
- Droids greatly reduce the damage of your weapon and their wounds heal ultra quickly.
- The future of humanity depends on your ability to cooperate, alone against a droid will probably be too difficult. Regroup to survive, this is your last chance.
1.7.1 - ( 03/28/2023 ) ( March 28th, 2023 ):
Added more cosmetics
1.7.0 - ( 03/26/2023 ) ( March 26th, 2023 ):
The homepage and the scoreboard have been reworked
- You can see your account ID at the bottom of the "Account" box
Each cosmetics have now a rarity
In the locker you can see the rarity of each cosmetic by looking at
the background color
Added a new currencies: Gammo (or Golden Ammo) and Medals
Added a shop with chests to get cosmetics
- The wooden gives 1 random cosmetic for 20 Gammos
- The brick gives offer 3 random cosmetics for 55 Gammos
- The metal gives offer 5 random cosmetics for 80 Gammos
Added a Battlepass with two plans
- A free plan
- A a paid one for 200 Gammos
Add daily and weekly missions to collect Medals
- To unlock the weekly missions you need to get the paid battlepass
- You can also collect medals at the match in the scoreboard (maximum
5 per day)
Added about a hundred new cosmetics (skins/wraps/emotes/trails)
- You can unlock them with the Battlepass or/and the Shop
- It is not possible to obtain the cosmetics associated with the challenges
with the chests or the battlepass
1.6.7 - ( 10/26/2022 ) ( October 26th, 2022 ):
New LTM: Infection
- Team up with other survivors to fight the zombie horde. If one of you gets hit, you'll have to kill it before it infects you!
Added new Halloween Emotes
- You can select them in your locker once you have logged in.
Added Halloween Skins
New POI : The Museum! ( made by Nathan and Alez )
New Weapon:
- Vector - This masterpiece can be found in the Museum. ( made by Alez )
New Vehicle:
- Offroad - Near the Museum. ( made by Alez )
New Pumpkins:
- They spawn rare weapons
- Metal walls now bounce grenades
- Nerf Grenade Pistol (dmg) 55 -> 60
- Nerf AUG (mag, dmg, firerate) mag 26 -> 24, damage 14 -> 12
- Buff Smg (dmg) 14 -> 16
- Buff Scar (firerate)
- Buff Famas (dmg) 12 -> 14
- Nerf Silenced Pistol (dmg) damage increase per rarity level 1.5 -> 1
- Nerf RPG (reload speed) 1.5s -> 2s
- Buff MGL (faster explosions) accelerated by ~20%
- Chests drop mats (10, random type) (30%, 15% wood 10% brick 5% metal)
1.6.5 - ( 06/29/2022 ) ( June 29th, 2022 ):
Added back UMP
A new POI is coming up. Discover the rubble of the shabbys in demolition with
the new vehicle (an excavator)
1.6.6 - ( 07/07/2022 ) ( July 7th, 2022 ):
Added trails
- You can now chose your own trail as a brand new cosmetic element.
- Later you will be able to unlock a lot of new trails.
Evolved the last POI, it's now a foundation...
Added a worker with a mythic UMP at the same emplacement
1.6.5 - ( 06/29/2022 ) ( June 29th, 2022 ):
Added back UMP
A new POI is coming up. Discover the rubble of the shabbys in demolition with
the new vehicle (an excavator)
1.6.4 - ( 06/22/2022 ) ( June 22th, 2022 ):
Added emotes
- You can now use emotes.
- Press the `T` key (default) to use them.
- You can change the keybind in the settings.
- Later you will be able to unlock a lot of new emotes.
1.6.3 - ( 03/07/2022 ) ( March 7th, 2022 ):
Added vehicles
- They are mostly found in both parking lots, but also elsewhere in farms and castles
- Vehicles are only available in the lobby (the waiting phase before the battle royale starts)
- They explode when they are destroyed
New LTM: Road Rage
- You spawn in one of the two parking lots with many cars available.
- Slightly reduced the damage of the MGL
1.6.2 - ( 01/06/2022 ) ( January 6th, 2022 ):
New Ammo: 40mm
- New ammunition that will now be required to use the RPG, MGL, Grenade Launcher, and Grenade Pistol.
- Added the concept of "air time", which is the amount of time that the ammo has to fly over objects before it can ricochet off them.
-> The Grenade Pistol remains unchanged
-> The Grenade Launcher "air time" has been reduced a bit
-> The MGL has the shorter "air time"
- Slightly reduced the damage of the MGL/Grenade Pistol/Grenade Launcher
1.6.1 - ( 01/04/2022 ) ( January 4th, 2022 ):
New Mode : Explosive Encounters
New Weapons :
- Grenade Launcher
- MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) - Thanks to Alez for the asset
- Grenade Pistol
1.6.0 - ( 12/17/2021 ) ( December 17th, 2021 ):
Redesign of the homepage
New keybind to toggle the Minimap - `N` per default
Volume slider available in the settings
1.5.9 - ( 10/19/2020 ) ( October 17th, 2020 ):
Fall Theme Added Back
New Weapon: AUG
New Mode: Braaaains!
Zombies can't pick up weapons
but they can picaxe survivors
to infect them!
1.5.8 - ( 9/28/2020 ) ( September 28th, 2020 ):
New POI: Gorgeous Garden
1.5.7 - ( 9/8/2020 ) ( September 8th, 2020 ):
Increased heal spawn rates
1.5.6 - ( 8/16/2020 ) ( August 16th, 2020 ):
New Silenced Pistol
1.5.5 - ( 7/14/2020 ) ( July 14, 2020 ):
Fixed Squads Siphon Bug
Added Virus LTM
1.5.4 - ( 6/21/2020 ) ( June 21, 2020 ):
> Unvaulted RPG
1.5.3 - ( 6/6/2020 ) ( June 6, 2020 ):
> Added Ranked Mode
1.5.2 - ( 6/1/2020 ) ( June 1, 2020 ):
> Buffed Combat
> Nerfed Rifle/Musket Switching
> Released Client
1.5.1 - ( 5/18/2020 ) ( May 18, 2020 ):
> Vaulted RPG
> Fixed Healing Issue
1.5.0 - ( 4/27/2020 ) ( April 27, 2020 ):
> Removed Crazy Containers
> Added Jinxed Jungle
> Added Mythic Rarity
> Unvaulted Bolt
> Unvaulted Drum Shotgun
> Unvaulted LMG
> Added NPC Bosses
> Removed Ballers
> Vaulted Scoped AR
1.4.4 - ( 4/2/2020 ) ( April 2, 2020 ):
> Reworked Ballers
1.4.3 - ( 3/17/2020 ) ( March 17, 2020 ):
> Virus LTM
1.4.2 - ( 2/18/2020 ) ( February 18, 2020 ):
> Knocked players get 200 health
1.4.1 - ( 2/12/2020 ) ( February 12, 2020 ):
> Heals align right
1.4.0 - ( 1/29/2020 ) ( January 29, 2020 ):
> Added Locker and Weapon Skins
> Removed Winter Theme
> Shop Coming Soon
> Vaulted Bolt, UMP, Deagle
1.3.4 - ( 12/20/2019 ) ( December 20, 2019 ):
> Added Combat Shotgun
1.3.3 - ( 12/2/2019 ) ( December 2, 2019 ):
> Vaulted Drum Shotgun
1.3.2 - ( 11/18/2019 ) ( November 18, 2019 ):
> Winter Update
1.3.1 - ( 11/11/2019 ) ( November 11, 2019 ):
> Added AK-47
> Fixed baller glitch
> Chests have 100% spawn rate
1.3.0 - ( 10/14/2019 ) ( October 14, 2019 ):
> Added fall theme
> Added Heavy Sniper
1.2.7 - ( 10/7/2019 ) ( October 7, 2019 ):
> Added musket
1.2.6 - ( 10/1/2019 ) ( October 1, 2019 ):
> Adjusted building
1.2.5 - ( 8/25/2019 ) ( August 25, 2019 ):
> Gave Ballers health
> Increased Baller spawn rate
1.2.4 - ( 8/17/2019 ) ( August 17, 2019 ):
> Vaulted Heavy Shotgun
> Nerfed Tommy Gun
> Improved sport physics
> LTM rotation is back
1.2.3 - ( 8/14/2019 ) ( August 14, 2019 ):
> Added drum shotgun
> Buffed RPG speed and reload
> Fixed rockets going through players
> Moved EU servers to Frankfurt
> Limited Time Modes next week
1.2.2 - ( 8/1/2019 ) ( August 1, 2019 ):
> Added Accounts
1.2.1 - ( 7/23/2019 ) ( July 23, 2019 ):
> Added baller vehicle
1.2.0 - ( 7/3/2019 ) ( July 3, 2019 ):
> Added Tommy Gun
> UMP is now a burst
> Performance Improvements
> More updates coming soon
1.1.16 - ( 5/4/2019 ) ( May 4, 2019 ):
> Fixed party disconnects
> More keybinds
> RPG always destroys walls
1.1.15 - ( 4/26/2019 ) ( April 26, 2019 ):
> Added party links
> Server performance improvements
1.1.14 - ( 4/23/2019 ) ( April 23, 2019 ):
> Fixed the leave party
button being hidden
1.1.13 - ( 4/17/2019 ) ( April 17, 2019 ):
> New Regen LTM
> More ammo drops
1.1.12 - ( 4/14/2019 ) ( April 14, 2019 ):
> Added region select
> Fixed lag
1.1.11 - ( 4/11/2019 ) ( April 11, 2019 ):
> Added weapon: Famas
> Vaulted AR-15
1.1.10 - ( 4/8/2019 ) ( April 8, 2019 ):
> Fixed screen shake glitch
> Fixed bullet despawning
1.1.9 - ( 4/2/2019 ) ( April 2, 2019 ):
> Reduced Health Per Kill to 25
1.1.8 - ( 3/23/2019 ) ( March 23, 2019 ):
> Added squads
> Move while reviving
> Spectator count
1.1.7 - ( 3/18/2019 ) ( March 18, 2019 ):
> Added mouse lock option
1.1.6 - ( 2/24/2019 ) ( February 24, 2019 ):
> Added keybinds
> Added graphics quality setting
1.1.5 - ( 2/21/2019 ) ( February 21, 2019 ):
> Fixed party issues
> You can now shoot through windows
> In duos, press B to ask for the type
of ammo your selected weapon takes
1.1.4 - ( 2/18/2019 ) ( February 18, 2019 ):
> 50 Health/Shield Per Kill
1.1.3 - ( 2/10/2019 ) ( February 10, 2019 ):
> Splitting Ammo and Mats
> Rockets go through teammates
> Knocked players take 1 damage per tick (from 2)
1.1.2 - ( 2/2/2019 ) ( February 2, 2019 ):
> Added Rocket Launcher
> Boom
1.1.1 - ( 1/27/2019 ) ( January 27, 2019 ):
> Fixed Duos
> Better Performance
1.1.0 - ( 1/20/2019 ) ( January 20, 2019 ):
> Added Duos
> New location - Creepy Castle
> No more holiday map
> Balanced guns
> Directional audio
> Vaulted LMG
1.0.14 - ( 12/17/2018 ) ( December 17, 2018 ):
> Fixed matchmaking forever issue
> Fixed house roofs not fading
> Fixed Page Not Found issue
1.0.13 - ( 12/10/2018 ) ( December 10, 2018 ):
> Added Desert Eagle
> Shotgun reloading changed
> All rifles do 50+ damage
> Shotgun damage increased
> Slightly increased heal spawns
1.0.12 - ( 12/3/2018 ) ( December 3, 2018 ):
> New Holiday Map!
> New Close Encounters LTM
1.0.11 - ( 11/27/2018 ) ( November 27, 2018 ):
> Added profanity filter
> Pickaxe damage changed back to 20
1.0.10 - ( 11/21/2018 ) ( November 21, 2018 ):
> Shotgun Skirmish limited mode
> Added a hitmarker
1.0.9 - ( 11/12/2018 ) ( November 12, 2018 ):
> Solid Gold limited mode
> Adjusted gun speeds
1.0.8 - ( 11/05/2018 ) ( November 5, 2018 ):
> Sniper Showdown limited mode
> Fixed picaxe through walls
1.0.7 - ( 10/21/2018 ) ( October 21, 2018 ):
> Mouse inventory sorting
> Added UMP gun
> Better spectating
> Fixed double sniper
1.0.6 - ( 10/14/2018 ) ( October 14, 2018 ):
> Added kill feed
> Fixed random disconnects
1.0.5 - ( 10/08/2018 ) ( October 8, 2018 ):
> New heavy shotgun
> Fixed lag
1.0.4 - ( 10/01/2018 ) ( October 1, 2018 ):
> Larger map
> Adjusted matchmaking
1.0.3 - ( 09/24/2018 ) ( September 24, 2018 ):
> Adjusted run speed again
> More server optimizations
> Nerfed building
1.0.2 - ( 09/23/2018 ) ( September 23, 2018 ):
> Adjustments to run/walk speeds and the river
> Large server optimization
1.0.1 - ( 09/21/2018 ) ( September 21, 2018 ):
> Added the Scoped AR
> Adjusted various reload times
> Numerous bug fixes
1.0.0 - ( 09/18/2018 ) ( September 18, 2018 ):
> Initial release
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> Last modification: 10/14/2018